What is a weekend facelift?

We classify facelifts as small, medium and large. We also refer to the small facelift as “the weekend facelift”. The weekend facelift is designed for younger patients with minimal to moderate aging or those patients who for some other reason cannot tolerate a larger lift.

The Weekend Facelift

The term “weekend lift” refers to the fact that most of the healing occurs over a several day period. It is not uncommon to perform this type of a lift on a Thursday and have the patient return to work the following Tuesday.

About The Weekend Facelift

The weekend (small) facelift is an excellent procedure for sagging jowls and minor neck aging. Patients with moderate toneck aging are best treated with a mini-lift for maximum tightness and longevity or the result.

Recovery from this procedure ranges from four to seven days. Most of our patients who have surgery on a Thursday will return to work on Tuesday.

For the small or weekend type facelift the incision is only in the front of the ear. This very conservative incision makes this a perfect procedure for the patient desiring minor to moderate correction without significant downtime.

The weekend facelift can be performed as a sole procedure or in combination with other procedures such as eyelid or brow surgery, laser, or facial implants. Some patients pictured in the weekend facelift gallery have had the small facelift only and others have had other cosmetic facial procedures with the facelift.

Schedule your facelift and neck lift consultation today!

 Morning Noon Afternoon
